Most people don't realize that all the things we own end up owning us. Some people don't travel because they have an apartment and they are worried to sublet it because of all the things inside. Get rid of it and you have less to worry. Seriously, I don't miss a single item from my old apartment and my place was packed with stuff. Stuff, I didn't need.
I've been on the road now for 5 years and there is no turning back. I love my life more than ever. Traveling taught me more than all the schools I've visited and all the jobs I've done.
I started to travel because I always loved the adventure. Working from 9-5 is not my cup of tea. I described my journey in the blog post:
8 Steps to Freedom - How I quit my job and traveled the world
8 Steps to Freedom - How I quit my job and traveled the world
What did your friends and family think of your plan?
I'm sure my family is proud of me. Most of my friends were quite positive about it. Many people said "I wish I could do that as well." The thing is, almost everybody can do it, you just need to change your priorities.
When did you start blogging?
Almost a year ago, my first post went online in December 2012. By now, it's still my most successful post with over 13,000 Likes on Facebook. You can read it here:
10 reasons why you should travel to the Philippines
10 reasons why you should travel to the Philippines
Any challenges?

What did it take off and become really successful?
Not sure if I would call myself successful already. I reached many people, that's for sure and that's an amazing thing. When you start blogging, everybody will tell you, you need to write as often as possible. That's the biggest nonsense advice ever. I usually post 1 article a month. Sometimes 2. Not more. Quality is more important. A third of my articles went viral and after only 14 blog posts I was mentioned as one of the Top 50 Travel Bloggers on the Internet.
Write with passion, write the way you think, but most important, deliver a value, write something that people wants to share.
Future plans?
I don't plan too much ahead because mostly everything changes. I have a confirmed ticket to the Philippines, so that's where I'm heading next to spend a few months there. The rest, we will see....
Get to know her better and visit her blog
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