Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?

We love your name, 'Sparrow in Space' What was the idea behind it?
I wish I could tell you some profound story of its origin. W really wanted to name our blog. We brainstormed, put together everything we could come up with. Brainstormed some more.
Started putting together names. Brainstormed some more
and suddenly we come up with Sparrow in Space and stuck with it.
We know you love - & are awesome at design. What inspires you?
Oh man, everything! Life is awesome. How can you walk around and not be inspired to create a bunch of amazing things. I get inspired by so much, but there are a few things that really give me inspiration butterflies.
Passionate people. I don’t care what you're passionate about, as long as you're passionate about something, I will most likely be inspired by you.

Food. I could cook/eat food all day. I love good food. There is just something about well prepared food combined with a well designed restaurant that makes me so incredibly happy.
I love nature and its ever changing ways.
And Nick, he inspires me every day. The way he lives his life, the decisions he makes, the way he makes me think about what I do and how he always strives to make the perfect design.
When did you first start traveling?
I think my first big trip was when I was around 21
I think. Me and my best friend were looking for something to do. Impulsive as we were, we decided to travel around Europe for a while. 7
I think. Me and my best friend were looking for something to do. Impulsive as we were, we decided to travel around Europe for a while. 7
days later we left. We had no idea where we were going, how we were going to fund it, what we were going to do or how to do it. We ended up training through Germany, Czech and Belgium before we ran out of money. We couch surfed in every city we visited and all we did was party. It was wonderful and when we got back we really felt like we had the time of our lives.
If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice for your first travel, what would it be?
Oh man, don't screw around. Enjoy. Yes, you're allowed to spend this much money on food. It's worth it. It's always worth it. Make memories. Create adventures. Talk to people. And don’t bring so many clothes, idiot! Are you crazy? You really think you’re going to wear all of that?
Getting lost is one of my favorite things about traveling. It can take you places you normally would miss. However, there is a limit. We arrived in Nanning, China after a wild overnight train ride. We hardly got any sleep and Nick wasn’t feeling too well. Now if you’ve ever been to Nanning, you will probably agree with me that it has to be the most depressing Chinese town, ever. Our hostel had given us directions on how to get there, a 10 minute walk they promised. After walking around for 3 hours in the hot and moist weather of Nanning, carrying our backpacks and without water, we had a mini breakdown. Nick was feeling worse by the minute and I just wanted to get him to a bed. We had no idea where the fuck we were.
Thanks again. You guys rock
It took us another hour to find another hostel that had a bed available. As soon as Nick entered our room he puked all over the place and was sick for three days. Food poisoning from the food in the train the day before.
Oh our latest journey I listened to the Gaslight Anthem (The '59 Sound) a lot. I still remember driving through the incredible perfect road trip music. Every time I put on one of their records, it takes me back to long bus rides around Asia.
Thanks again. You guys rock
and we really love you. Love and Rainbows,
XOXOXOXOX Jessie and Jules
No YOU guys rock!